Friday, September 28, 2007

First tooth...again

You know after I'd been through it twice already, plus even thinking a couple of weeks ago that Shelby was almost 6 months old and her first tooth would come soon, you'd think that I would have realized immediately that Shelby acting the way she has been acting, that I would have known what to look for. For those of you first timers, here are a couple of key longer sleeping through the night (that she did only about a handful of times anyway), runny nose, extra fussy, drooly, and chewy. Sometimes they get fevers, but mine never did. Now Shelby did not go through the last three, she's always, chewy and drooly, but not too fussy. I would just like this post to admit that I feel like an idiot that I have to relearn this every time. Maybe next time I will get it right.