Friday, September 14, 2007

My Fantasy

You know as I go through each day it can seem like a repeat of the previous day with small variations throughout. Cooper is usually the first to awake between 6:30 and 7:30 (I love it when he makes is that long) followed shortly by his sisters because, let's face it, he's two and isn't exactly familiar with stealth mode yet. I have turned into one of those moms who adores morning cartoons so that I can actually have time to wake up. When everyone is awake we go through the daily argument about what will be for breakfast. If the kids had it their way we would have cereal 3 meals a day 7 days a week. Yes, they did inherit that trait from their mother. But I try to make them something healthy while letting them "snack" on some cereal in a cup. Our daily activities range from the library, park, Abby's preschool, tumbling, play group, Treehouse museum, ect. We usually are home for lunch and Cooper goes down for a nap aroung 1ish. Some days even, like today for instance, Abby is a BEAR and takes a nap too. THIS IS MY SANITY! Don't get me wrong I love my children, but I do love my breaks as well. This is when the house is quiet (except for me clicking the mouse or folding clothes or cleaning up...whatever) and I get time to myself. At these moments I sometimes drift off into this fantasy of sleeping in late (isn't it funny how late used to be 11 or 12 and now it has turned in 9ish) waking up, just because my body decided it was time to wake up. I look over and Rob is missing. I can hear him in the kitchen (mind you this kitchen is a fabulous kitchen that I dream about in my dream home. Let's just say is has room for more that one person to move around unlike the kitchen I have now) and he is making a wonderful meal. I tend to lean toward the time of year being winter so that when I finish my meal prepared by my own personal chef I go into the great room with a cup of hot cocoa, with marshmallows, and sit in a big schmumfy chair and read the newspaper, front to back without interruption. At this point I am able to go shower, ALONE, without having to sneak off so the kids won't hear. The funny part is that is as far as I have made it in this fantasy of mine because I'm usually interupted at this point. For those of you who may think that this fantasy is rediculous, call me in about 2 years and recheck that, and for those of you who have fantasies of your own, I would love to hear them, and remember, this is a family show.


Nicole said...

I love your "fantasy", in fact, I too, wouldn't mind a fantasy like that. I can somewhat relate to you in your daily routine. Just a few days ago I explained my typical day to a friend describing it to be alot like the movie "groundhog day". That really is what my life is like. It's comforting to know that my friends are in similar cicumstances!