Thursday, September 27, 2007

Thank you Dude

So we are teaching Cooper how to say prayers and, you know how it goes, you say something, he repeats it and so forth. Coop will repeat most of the words but usually leaves some out. Well today we were blessing the food and we opened the prayer and I said, "Thank you for this food" and Coop said, "Thank you Dude". Now of course he doesn't say his f's so dude really is food, but it was still really cute. You know that one made heavenly father laugh, hope it made you laugh, too.


Nicole said...

sooo cute. gotta love that little coop, he is a cutie!!

Veronica Reeve said...

HILARIOUS! I love kids. That is really so cute. Oh and about the tooth thing, I get trumped every time. If Sophie got a tooth for every time I blamed her fever/grumpy/drooleyness on teething she'd have a mouth full of teeth.