Monday, October 1, 2007

4 year olds and scissors

No, don't worry Abby didn't cut her hair. However not 10 days ago we (she and I went shopping together) bought her a but little, yellow velor outfit from Mervyn's. It was one of those comfy outfits to just lounge in. She wore it the first day that we bought it and again yesterday after church and today to tumbling. After we put Coop down for a nap we were coloring and cutting out projects. I got on the computer to work for a little bit and lo and behold, somehow her scissors found the bum of her pants. She did a good job of hiding it for a while but soon enough she felt too guilty and told me what happened. Of course the scissors got thrown away (OK I just hid them from her) and the pants too (again just hidden in my dresser, hopefully grandma can be a seemstress miracle worker). She has been crying on and off for about an hour now, whenever she thinks of those poor pants. "But mom, they were old" she says. Yeah, a woppin' 9 days old, I need a mommy timeout.


Veronica Reeve said...

AUGH! I'd freak out! You are a good women Kristen Jolley!

Missy said...

I am so sad for you. I am also sad for me because she wore that cute outfit to my house on the first wear and I spent the better part of an hour getting red lipstick off of it before you picked her up so that she wouldn't loose her life then. That girl... Good luck!