Monday, October 15, 2007


So last week Cooper called Rob and I in to his room to show us a new trick. When we got there he was riding the rail to his crib. Very talented. Needless to say that was his last night in his crib like a horse. The next day I got on trusty ol' and found some bunk beds and they experienced their first night in bunks. Of course the pictures won't download to my computer so we'll have to look at those later. But I'll just let you know how things are going. Night 1: Coop can't quite figure out how to get down off the top bunk. We have to go in there multiple times to get him down before bedtime has even arrived. It takes the kids until 10:00 to wind down and fall asleep. Night 2: Rob has a b-ball game and my neighbor comes over to hang out while they "sleep". Well shortly after we leave the kids come out and get sent back to bed, but end up snuggling in Coop's bed together. Night 3:Amazingly uneventful. Night 4: I hear a thud and Coop crying at about 12:30. I put him back to bed and we're good from there. Last night I get up to go to perform my ritual with Shelby where she spits out her binki at 2:00 and I get to go put it back in. I check on the kids and Cooper is asleep in a pile of books over by the bookshelf. Needless to say, he hasn't quite gotten the hang of things yet. We'll see what happens


Nicole said...

I'm still just giggling to myself about your "bunk bed" experiance. Very brave to put Coop on the top bunk, I don't think I could put JB up there yet, I love that he was asleep in a pile of books.

Veronica Reeve said...

I thought that the crib to bed transition was the hardest! Well, then potty training came and now thats the hardest..but anyways...bunk beds. It's like a sleep over every night! Do the kids fight over the top bunk?