Thursday, May 29, 2008


Well I know most of you read through my posts the minute I post them and then check back every day for a new post. I'm sorry that I can't entertain you on a regular basis with more updates in my life, and the stories that I do leave you with keep you up at night worrying about me and my crazy life. However, this time I would just like to update you with the comings and goings in this household.
Abby-Well she graduates from preschool next Thursday. WOW! I'm almost the mother of a kindergartner. Where does the time go? I'm on the countdown to August I tell ya. All day kindergartner in these parts. Who could ask for more. She is hilarious. She thinks she is the mom. On a side note, Bree, she too wants to wear a bra. I want to say to her, slow down kid, if you're anything like your mom you'll be needing one in no time. She turned 5 on Tuesday. Rob took a half day and we went out to breakfast. Barb was up and came with us. It was pretty uneventful, unless you count Cooper's coughing attack towards the end when he coughed so hard he threw up all over the table. Good times. Abby got a new big girl princess bike from us and thinks she is pretty hot stuff. The girls is so tall she is too big for her old bike already. She is so active and curious and silly and fun. She is so different from me in so many ways. However I'm so glad she's mine.
Cooper-Well we still have the blasted cast. We've gone from black to bronco orange to jazz blue and now to yellow. At our appointment on Tues the Dr looked at the x-rays and asked how wild he would be if we took the cast off. I though to myself, the kid broke it jumping off his dresser dude, what do you think? I informed him that he was a pretty wild kid and he decided we'd better go two more weeks just to be safe. YAY, this is fun. I have however figured out how to keep it dry. Potty training is very up and down. Here's a story. On Monday Ellen and I took Coop and Abs to see the new Narnia movie. They both love the first one. Well half way through Coop decided he needed to go potty. Really he was just bored, or was he? Well we got to the potty and I took off his diaper (I didn't bring an extra, I'm a little slow) set it on the ground in front of him and set him on the toilet. He told me to leave, so I reminded him to point his little wiener down and stepped out and held the door shut. After a minute I went back in and he said, "Look Mommy." I looked down to where I was standing into a puddle of pee. He hadn't followed my advise. Pee all over his pants, his diaper, and the floor. Well I can handle this. I cleaned up the floor (I thought it only appropriate) threw the diaper away and let him go commando through the rest of the movie. He was fine, he fell asleep on my lap about 10 minutes later. Oh that's not the end of my story. So on our way home we had to stop at Lowe's for some light bulbs for some new ceiling fans that Rob installed while we were at the show. As I'm checking out Coop goes around the corner. I think nothing of it, he likes to look around. Well after a minute Abby goes around the corner to and Coop yells out, "Don't step in my pee Abby." Yeah, he peed straight out the bottom of his shorts. Usually the pee gets absorbed by his underwear and shorts, but with nothing there it just shoots straight out the bottom. Oh, this is fun. Needless to say, we are still working on the potty training thing. I keep telling myself, "he is only 2."
Shelby-Well this girl is still adorable. He hair is still stick straight except for a curly little mullet in back (I really need to give it a trim). She refuses to get teeth unless it is multiple of 2 or more, 6 is her record. She is finally sleeping through the night again after this last round. She wants to be anywhere the other two are, no matter where that is. She loves to snuggle. I've never had a snuggler, and I really like it. She is SOOO bow legged that it is so cute just to watch her walk. She loves to throw food from her high chair and thinks it's hilarious. She just learned how to give kisses and gives them to everybody.
Our house- Since the flood we've sure had some fun. The insurance adjuster last wednesday and we're all set. The demo crew came through and tore out the sheet rock down stairs to about knee high. When you go potty down there, there is basically no privacy. They pulled our toilet and sink upstairs, along with all the tile so we have to go downstairs for everyting. The sink and toilet are in our tub so we've been going up to Ellen's or next door to Alicia's. That's been fun for the kids though. The sheetrocker came in today and got everything hung. Hopefully they will be able to let reset our toilet here soon (there was mold already growing around it when it got pulled, so it had to be treated) so we don't have to go down in the middle of the night. All in all we hope to be back to normal here in the next couple of weeks. We'll see.
Well if you've made it this far I want to shout out a recommendation for reading. Link to Veronica and scroll down to the post about milking a dog. It's hilarious!


Bree said... have had some crazy times!!! HOLY crap, I was laughing so hard when I read the part about Coop peeing at Lowes. How did you not pee your own pants in laughter? I really don't know how you maintain your amaze me daily with your laid back ability. And barfing on the table at really is one thing after another with you guys. Thanks for the laughs...I can always count on you for one.

PS-we just went to 'Narnia' tonight...not too impressed, meaning not too kid friendly. See you tomorrow.

Linds said...

Kristen, I laughed out loud about Coop's comment in Lowe's, in fact, I am still laughing! Oh the stories you tell!! I am still laughing, just picturing it!!

Julie said...

Wow, what adventures! Good for you for not losing it. If it were me, I would have left the movie and gone straight home. You're brave, but I guess it made for some good stories!

Nicole said...

All I can say is I can't top that, none of it.

Kristin said...

Never a dull moment, never a dull moment!! haha I stole your saying! I love Coop peeing in Lowe's that is definately scrapbookable!

Brandi said...

LOVE the peeing story!! Hey, at least he didn't do it in a display toilet. (LOL) I'm glad he gets his cast off soon.

Ah, the wonderful baby mullet (and, it's a FEmullet at that). My Hannah had one for a while. I finally had to break down and trim it into a bob.

Libby said...

I think that Coop is single handedly trying to break records with testing your patience. The barf, the pee, the cast. This kid is a professional! You're a real woman.