Friday, May 23, 2008

PMS and kids don't mix

Well, I have to be honest with ya, this whole PMS thing just ain't all it's cracked up to be. I haven't gone through it since Oct. of '04 (I didn't "restart" in between Coop and Shelbs, and have had an IUD in since I had Shelbs) and it's no fun starting up again. Plus I've never had it with this many kids around. My goodness, I am one grumpy mom! So allow me to vent for just a bid. Stop me if I've already mentioned this vent before. My little Abby just wants to play with kids. This is very difficult when school is in and one of her best friends is in kindergarten. Well this said friend just lives around the corner so when she gets home it's very exciting and they get to play. The question is, where do they always end up playing...MY HOUSE! You know I'm one to take my turn, but for the love of Pete (yes, Lib, your Pete) other mom's need to take there turn too. It really isn't that bad having her here because they usually just disappear downstairs or outside. However, I'm trying to teach Abby that you need to take turns and she has figured out that it is definitely this little girls turn to have Abby over to her house. The problem is this little girls parents both work so by the time they get home they are so busy to even think about letting their little girl play so I always end up calling and am not the type to just say, "Hi, your kid has been up here 3 times this week, can my kid finally come down to you house before the world as we know it comes to an end?" I know that when you get home from work you have a million things going on, but who is that oblivious to the fact that you keep sending your kid to someone else's house and never have that friend down to play. HONESTLY!!!
OK, that is friend #1, now onto friend #2. This little girl is adorable. She lives with her mom and grandma across the street. Her mom is 8 1/2 months pregnant (literally, she is due June 2) so you know she is worn out. Now friend #1 I will leave anonymous however this little girl's name is Cherish, and there is a funny story that goes along with her name, so I just had to share. Anywho this little girl will show up at my house to play and just say, "My mom said that I could play over here". Does anybody else see how cool my house is. Well yes again Abby doesn't want to play here all the time, but this little girl doesn't want to play at her own house either. However, this mom is about to pop so I don't mind so much. Now the story with her name. Whenever I hear Cherish's name I always start singing Cherish the Night. Well the other day Abby came in and asked if she and "Cherish the Night" could have a popsicle. Luckily Cherish the Night didn't hear.
Well thanks for the vent session. While I've been typing the kids have been coloring, here's the report: Shelby ate one purple crayon (yummy), they have some nutritional value right? Cooper got into the markers and colored on his arms, then came and showed me his art work. He has now decided he needs to go and apologize to the markers. So polite. Abby actually hasn't caused too much trouble except that she freaked out when I ruined the purse she was making by stapling it in the wrong place. As I look over at Shelby right now she has on of those magic color markers that only write on certain paper and is trying to clean out her ears I beleive. Never a dull moment, my friends, never a dull moment.


The Bissenden's: said...

Seriously, friend number #1 still hasn't had poor Abby down to play. It's been weeks. Poor Abby. Of course crayons have nutritional value. I am sure that the markers will forgive Cooper. After all, I am sure that his arm is jealous that his leg gets to have Jazz blue on it! Not sure how you do it....LOL

Veronica Reeve said...

I can't remember the exact nutritional value of the "purple" fruits/veggies...(You know, eggplant, grapes, and others I'm sure)...but I'm pretty sure that purple crayons hold that same nutritional value. Oh, and when we run out of Q-Tips we always use markers. Doesn't everyone?

Bree said...

I always love the hilarious stories you share. I also love "Cherish the night"...hilarious! And lastly at least Shelby used the color wonder markers in her could've been red or green.

Libby said...

Well kudos to "Cherish is the word I use to describe your love". It's always cool when kids take initiative and invite themselves on over. P.S. You can use the new name I discovered for her, if you want to.