Thursday, May 1, 2008

Bronco orange it is

Well this week we got to go in and get Coop's cast changed. He went from black to Bronco orange. No, no my friends, not just any orange, but Bronco orange. Yeah, we don't brain wash our kids. It was actually a toss up between Bronco orange and Jazz blue. We went with the Broncos. Hopefully it two more weeks it will still be worth our while to get Jazz blue. On that note Rob and I aquired tickets to tomarrow nights game, YAY! We are so excited. Hopefully we can finish the series and move on. Anywho, I'll have to report on that one next time.
Lastly, I have decided to send a shout out to those of you who give me hilarious stories on your blogs. So in order to do this I will occassionally recommend my viewers to the links to my bloggin sistas and say specific posts that I recommend, if that makes sense. This first one was a tie, both stories had me laughing so hard I was crying, partly because I can totally relate, and partly because I love how these two girls word things. They crack me up! First is Bree's story Totally embarrassed and a bit of a scare... HILARIOUS. Secondly is Veronica's Paper or Plastic...I'm glad I'm not the only one who enjoys going to the store with kids in tow.
So there ya go, now you will all be working to make my shout out page. Good luck!


Bree said...

Way to go on Bronco Orange!! No more EMO. Why the new cast? Was the old one moldy from submerging it into the tub? I can't believe you have Jazz tickets...I am so jealous. Also, thanks for the "shout out". Jay and I have really been laughing about that scenario and how our clean-up went. Good times.

Libby said...

Petesy is also going to the game-with his dad. Lame! I'm so jealous. P.S. Ben Hymas took me and Pete to last Saturdays game. At said game, I spied Big T Thurl Bailey dressing up his hot dog out in the open. I scurried over, grabbed his arm, and said "Heeyyy" (I couldn't think of anything better to say). Thinking back-it's a tiny bit embarrassing.

Pebley Family said...

Jazz tickets? Lucky!

Brandi said...

Love the Bronco orange! You'll have to keep visiting my blog. I can be pretty funny in my own right. (hehehehe) Maybe if I'm funny enough, you can put me on your list of fellow bloggers (hint, hint) I'll try to make you laugh. It doesn't sound like it's too hard, though; Bree said you laugh all the time.