Sunday, March 30, 2008

Have you missed me?

Yes, I know, I have been neglecting my duties again. However, things got a little crazy there for a minute and I just never got back into the swing of things. I worked a couple of days for a lady at work, got sick twice, and have been trying to get things around here back ot normal. The two sicknesses actually prompted me to take a pregnancy test, which was a little scary, but it came back negatory, good buddy, no worries. Easter here was great. We went to a couple of hunts and the kiddos had some fun. A funny story to share. I've been wanting a red wall in my front room for a while now and finally got my wish. When you paint a wall red they tell you it makes things easier if you tint the primer. Well a red wall primer is pink. So Saturday night before Easter Rob painted the wall pink.

When the kids woke up Rob told them the Easter Bunny did it. They thought that was the craziest darn thing they'd ever heard. They went around church all day and told anybody that would listen that the Easter Bunny painted there wall pink.
Here they are in their beautiful attire.The E.B. brought Abby the movie Enchanted which I love, and brought Coop a baseball mitt, which he loves. How long until he breaks something with that ball, we'll see.
It actually turned out pretty nice because it only takes Rob about 45 minutes to put on a coat of paint so he put the first coat of paint up on monday night.
That, however, is as far as we've gotten. Hopefully that second coat will get put up this week some time. After that we are going to tear out the carpet in front of that wall and put in some pergo wood floor so I can have a dining area that we can all fit in.Then we will be moving on to the kitchen which is going to be tan (Thanks Brandi!) and then we will two tone both areas.Wish me luck!


Pebley Family said...

Looks great! Can't wait until I can paint a wall. Apartment living is so boring.

Pebley Family said...
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Unknown said...

Yay for color! It's amazing what a splash of color can do to a room. Although I was sorta diggin the pink. It would have gone great with lindsey's pink kitchen! (and no it's not really Joey leaving you this comment!)

Bree said...

PHHeeWW...your not pregnant. JUST KIDDIN!! Maybe next month?! Anyhow I'm glad your back, I was getting worried there for a minute. You are totally not afraid to paint the town are you? Paint always makes a huge difference. Good luck with all those fun times, and don't forget to use a dripper..."Dripper"! Ha ha!

Nicole said...

I don't know why you wouldn't just stick with the pink?! Just kidding, I am glad you went with the red. Wow, I can't even imagine being prego right now and I only have 2! I have to second Bree and say PHHWEEW!

Brandi said...

Wow, that sure was pink! Funny story: when we moved into our house, the wall and ceiling paint was all a nice shade of baby pink. (Blech!) The WHOLE house!

I really like the red, though! And, I can't wait to see the tan on the walls, too. Painting makes such a huge difference!