Wednesday, March 12, 2008

My little 1 year old

I can't believe how fast this last year has gone by. Already having another first birthday party. Saturday (March 8th) we celebrated the day by going out to dinner at Red Robin. Yes, we are daring. The older two did great. The birthday girl, not so hot on the 30 minute wait and then being trapped in a high chair. Oh, well, we only get to do birthday dinner every so often right. We have to start our traditions now. Our first two babies were born in the summer months when we can take advantage of Bob and Ellens backyard for fun birthday parties. Well Shelb's is a March birthday so we thought, "What the hey, we can fit 40 people in our house." That 40 is not exagerating by the way, our families have gotten huge! Over 20 cousins, plus more that couldn't make it. Luckily most of the kids went outside to play. Real famliy doesn't mind sitting on the floor. Cheryl you're a champ!There's the birthday girl in her birthday dress. Those used to be pigtails by the way. You get our hair done once a day in this house.
And of course Rob couldn't pass up an opportunity to play fuse ball with the big boys.

All in all it was a fun and crazy day. Thanks to everyone for coming over. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHELBS!


The StaceNeedle said...

Happy Birthday Shelbs! I can't believe how much she looks like Rob. Yes, I definitely agree that a girls trip to Seattle is in order. I know the logistics would be super difficult, but think how much fun we would have!

Nicole said...

I was just thinking yesterday how I can't believe that Gage will be 1 in June! Time really does fly, I can't imagine already achieving 3 1 year old birthdays!!

Bree said...

Don't you just love the first B-day? It is my favorite. Looks like you guys had good times. Thanks for having us over for some good times too. My girls totally loved it.
PS-A praking lot is kinda like a parking lot but you can pray there too, it is pronounced Pray-king. So now you know!

Brin said...

I can't believe your baby is one! I love those first birthday's. Sounds like you guys had quite the celebration for her. What a lucky girl. With the Jolley's we all have to wonder now that the baby is one, there's got to be another one close to on the way, right? Just wondering.

Pebley Family said...

Happy birthday! It looks like she had a great time. Sorry we missed the party. Maybe next time.