Friday, January 18, 2008


So on my list of things I least like about being a mom, potty training is definately at the top. With Abby at first I though, "hey, I don't know what all these mom's are crying about. This will be a peice of cake." Yeah, why didn't you just kick me in the face right then and there. It was a horrible experience, one I wasn't going to repeat with Cooper. When I started with Abby I was a little too gung-ho, and she wasn't quite ready. Though she was showing some signs, I jumped on it a little too fast. So Coop has been showing some signs for a while now, but I have had no motivation due to my first experience. Well after "boy's club" ( a little play group that I have with two of Coop's buddies and there mom's) last week I found out that they were both potty training. One boy is a little older and one a little younger, both moms are first timers. You know me though, my competative side jumped out of me and Coop was put in underware that afternoon, with me giving him the ole pee pee in the potty talk. This was purely for the intent of waiting for his first accident, then I talk to him again about going potty in the potty. This was 8 days ago. I'm letting him decide if he wants to wear underwear or his diaper. Thomas the train makes for fantastic underwear so you can imagine his dilema. Well today my work paid off. No he didn't just pee in the potty, no, no, not my boy. He obviously has his mothers competativeness and went straight for the Big Cahuna, he pooped! Yes, we are yet to have pee in our potty, but pooping is such a huge milestone in itself that I'm proud of my boy! We called Rob at w0rk and shared the news even. Now if we can just get him to actually pee in the potty we will be a "one kid in diapers" house. A girl can only dream!

PS I was going to take a picture to share with you all but decided you would just to prefer to take my word for it


Veronica Reeve said...

Hooray!! Like I said, your kids are over-achievers! I can't believe he's already getting potty trained! I'll cross my fingers for you that it goes quickly and painlessly.

Nicole said...

I must say, "your the inspiration!" I have been dreading potty training JB! I haven't exactly started yet but I know the time is nearing. I'll let you master it first! love ya!

Libby said...

Isn't it kind of hilarious that we can all get totally psyched over something like a poop in the potty? I'm not making fun-I'm sure I'll share the same enthusiasm for baby rice boys first turd, but it's still kind of funny.