Sunday, February 3, 2008

I'm sorry but I love this snow!

Yeah, I know, pain in the butt to drive in, shovel, just be in all around. But I love seeing it out my window, and usually, knowing that I am safe and snug inside. Yesterday we finally got our snowblower fixed so Rob has been out playing all afternoon. These

pics by the way are in fact my swing set, and yes, the swings are covered and it is almost up to the bottom of the swing.
The kids of course are in heaven too. They went to Rhomer yesterday to go tubing. No pics on that one, however a funny story to share. Apparently they all fit on one tube but halfway down the hill Coop fell off and got run over by Rob and Abby. Luckily it was total powder so he just go burried a little. Good times baby.
On a side note I would like to make sure you all know that I know that my memory was real and a little hurt that you all just disregard our good times. If you would like to prove to me that you aren't all void of any high school/college memories, please share some with me.


Libby said...

Love the Cooper burial story. Hilarious. FYI-I do remember an incident of parking lot dancing in our past. Morp of our sophomore year when we danced in the Albertson's parking lot with our dates. We were all dressed in lovely Brady Bunch attire. I think you're date was Nate Nicholls. Mine was Pete. Stacey took Trev. Kelly took Chad G. I think Stacey's Astro was involved which also leads me to believe that ABBA was in the mix as well. There you go sis.

Kristen said...

CLASSIC! I had forgotten about that.