Friday, December 26, 2008


So I know that I could throw this on my side bar but I want you all to know that I mean business. I need you're opinions on something. We have our 10 year reunion coming up and our Sr. Class Pres. roped some of us in to helping. So here's the first assignment. In your opinion as far as the reunion goes should we do A) One night, alumni only; B) One night with spouses; C) Two nights, one of each; or D) a full day, morning at the park with whole families and evening with alumni only. At our friends Christmas party we all had opinions of our own and everybody had a legitimate reason for each. So let me know you're opinion, especially those of you who have had your reunions. The reunion is not until next summer so let me know whenever but the sooner the better (because I'm anal and want Swift to make a decision:) THANKS!!!


Caid and Alicia Evans said...

for what it's worth.. my opinion would be option B.
One night, dinner, bring spouses.. done.

Camille said... night with spouses is my vote!

Mrs B said...

I'd also say option B. My 10 year's coming up too & what the heck, I might even go!

The Bissenden's: said...

We did one night Alum only and had alot of people mad that their spouse couldn't come so they didn't come. But I can guarantee that if my spouse didn't go to school with me he wouldn't care if he couldn't go? I guess maybe my spouse and I have a bit of a different situation. Maybe some spouses where nervous about potential hook ups? Lame!! Anyway, I'd consider a spouse function so they can show off what they've hooked up with? Oh good times, enjoy. Being on the planning committee sucked rocks!:>

Jill said...

I say lets do one night spouses.

The Coopers said...

My opinion, cause you know I am super opinionated, is either B or C, cause I think if you do alumni only you will get a very small showing, most people that age don't want to go to a party without their spouse, especially guys. I don't think it is because they think of potential hookups, but Kelly just wouldn't want to go to something like that but ????? With option B, it is nice to go on a date (from a moms point of view) without kids! However Kelly always wants to take the kids and show them off, but he is not with them all day long either. Lastly Kellys reunion was just a bit ago, and we loved it. They had it at the riverdale park and they rented some of those blow up jumpy things and they had cafe rio cater it and charged for dinner at the bowery (so you had the choice to eat or not, but it was a small fee). It was a big success, they had alot who showed up because it was easy to take kids and it was fun to see everyones families. Also another tip, the nametags were a really good idea, cause Kelly had a hard time remembering alot of people, so that way he didn't feel stupid introducing me.

Good luck, and that is nice of you to help out! I think I was looking more forward to going to Kellys than he was, it was really fun!
Oh one more thing, they did a really good job announcing it ahead of time and trying to locate emails and stuff, they set up a webpage for everyone to go and put down personal info and I think they had good attendance because of that.

I guess you'll think twice before asking my two cents next time;)