Friday, December 12, 2008

What happens when you have a professional photographer babysit?

Well let me tell you all a little story. So this Christmas season I've planned very well on what I want to get everybody for Christmas. I had my list all written up and knew exactly what I needed. The key was getting to the store without any "helpers". So this morning I decided to call upon my friend Veronica (as in Veronica Reeve Photography, which you can link to through her name on my Bloggin sistas to the right ;) and ask her to take the two young ones while I go to the store for a couple of hours and smack this thing out. Well two bits of good news to share. One, I am 99% done with Christmas shopping, only needing six more things and I know exactly what and where they are. And two, I came back to Veronica's to find little Shelby's hair curled. I said, "Oh Shelby did you get your hair done?" and Veronica said, "Yeah, sorry, we had a little photo shoot." Might I recommend that if you need a baby sitter, find a photographer who is going through withdrawls of not taking pictures for a while. Here's the outcome
And that is my Christmas joy.


~Mandy~ said...

Dang!!! I should totally call her :)

Veronica Reeve said...

Kristen, I accidently gave you the pictures in Adobe RGB instead of SRGB....anyhoo, this means nothing to you, but can you tell that the coloring in her face is a little gray? The ones on my blog are the correct coloring. He he he (nervous laughter) just wanted to make sure people didn't think Shelby was a sickly child.

Libby said...

Sure Vern-I think she really fed Shelby some bad mac 'n' cheese and then tried to cover it up with curled hair and cute photos. We're onto her.

Krystal Cameron said...

They are so cute!! How fun! I am glad to hear you have all of your Shopping almost done. I need to START Lol... Hope your doing good. ;)

Camille said...

She is so flippin cute!!! What a great babysitter....

The Bissenden's: said...

I love the pics! Can she make me look that good? LOL Seriously, Shelbs is a knock out, can't wait to see what her personality turns out like... If anything like Kaity, watch out boys!

Kara said...

Oh she is so cute! I haven't seen in her awhile she is so big!

Linds said...

These are so darling. Why doesn't Vern babysit for me. Call me next time, we will tag team!

The Coopers said...

oh those are so darling!!!!!