Monday, October 27, 2008

I have a confession

So I know this time of year drives some of you nuts, specifically Nov. 1 because that is the day that some of the radio stations find it acceptable to start playing Christmas music.Well I'm just here to tell you right now that I completely agree and look forward to Nov 1 starting mid Augustish. I'm sorry but I just love Christmas music and the time of year that hearing it entails. So here is the confession. Every year I vow to Rob to at least wait until Nov. 1 ( he has sooo given up on me waiting until after Thanksgiving, that would just be an empty promise) and I believe I have yet to make it until then. Mind you I just listen to one or two songs ot get my fix and then I usually make it until after Halloween. However this year I think I did a pretty good job...until last week. So last Thursday night we went to good old BHS football game and got home and the kids wanted some hot chocolate. Who am I to argue with their brilliance? So we sat down to a steamin cup and I decided to bust out good old Polar Express soundtrack purely for the song Hot Chocolate and we sang and danced and drank (that sounds like a bad biblical passage). Well anywho after Hot Chocolate I turned the CD off and called it good. Well Saturday morning Rob was at work, the sun wasn't up quite yet, and it totally reminded me a of a cold winter morning. We were all in our snuggly jammies, I was making breakfast, kids were watching cartoons and I couldn't help myself. I pushed play and we listened to the whole soundtrack that morning. Let me give you a hint. If you have any desire to keep secrets from your husband, try not to commit your crime in front of your 3 year old. We had a grand old time listening to the music but then yesterday Coop asked if we could listed to the Polar Express music again. Rob gave me that "you're pathetic" look and asked Coop what music he meant while I was laughing guiltily. Coop spilled the beans. Love that little guy. Rob knows there is no hope for me, but this year I really did come close. On that note I want to point out the new poll I am taking and ask you to kindly cast your vote.
On an inspirational note I want to show you this blog and tell you what I can figure out about this little guy. I linked onto it from a friends and have been checking in on him periodically. He is 8 or 9 years old and I think he has leaukemia. When I first started reading had just come home from the hospital a couple of weeks ago. I have read back pretty far on this blog but if you don't want to go too far at least go to Oct. 11. It is incredible! This little man amazes me with his faith and attitude. Just link on and you understand. Have some kleenex handy.
Anywho, I hope you all have a safe and happy Halloween. I'll be posting my pics of my fairy, turtle, and monster hopefully sometime next week.


The Coopers said...

Ha, that is funny, I would not have pinned you for an early Christmas music lover. I actually have been annoyed in the past, but I am guilty of singing Christmas songs to the kids lately. Ever since it snowed that one day, I have been so excited! I do like to wait til after Halloween, cause I love spooky music, however, I have been scaring my kids a little too much so I have switched over and have been singing a little Frosty and Jingle Bells the last few nights!! I think that some people like it after Thanksgiving, I do love Thanksgiving completely but to me it is all pushed together into one season, two months of celebrating, its great!!!

DaBudges said...

I totally suffer from the same insane desire to extend the holiday music as long as I can. It really doesn't work to drag it out more than a week after Christmas, so it has to start before. Also, there's too much good Holiday music to be squished into one month. Good for you. Now you've got me wanting to get out my Polar Express Soundtrack...and carpenter's :D

Bree said...

Oh dear Kristen..I can't believe you are a Christmas music nerd. Call me scrooge but lately Kennedy has been singing Jingle Bells and We wish you a Merry Christmas. I have told her she must stop immediately every time she starts. Maybe I'll just send her to your house where it would be welcomed with open arms. Oh well, I love you anyway...nerd and all.

Veronica Reeve said...

So what else do you want to admit? That you secretly smile when you see the Christmas decorations go up in the stores at the beginning of October? That you put your Christmas tree up before Halloween? That you leave your Christmas lights up on your house all year long? Come on Kristen, come clean!!

Camille said...

You are right there with my sister Jodi. She is a lover of Christmas music. I love it too, but have not listened yet. I think the fact that the weekend it snowed we were out of town, and it has been in the 70's since has helped, but next week watch out, it is supposed to cool down and who knows what will happen!!!

Lindsey Rose said...

I think that is a great confession, and I along with Veronica want the scoop! Do you think we should bypass Thanksgiving all together, really, how would the pilgrims feel! I do love Christmas music though, and it is on non-stop the day after Thanskgiving, call me traditional.

Libby said...

Sneaky-I thought you were going to tell us you hated Christmas music. After reading the first few lines of your post, I was shaking my head thinking "that can't be right". I'm glad that you've found something to make you happy in life. I guess we can't all listen to Chicago in the Coug forever.

Camille said...

We are going private. If you want to still read our blog email us at Thanks!!!

The Bissenden's: said...

I voted for after Thanksgiving because I do love thanksgivings and agree with Lindsey Rose, how would the pilgrims feel. But I must admit that I do sneak a few songs from good ol' FM100 before then, just to get me feeling sappy. BTW you so need to get some pics on here!

Gayla said...

Kind of mixed feelings about the music, depends if its a good song I can sing to-Oh Holy Night is by far my fav. So I checked out the duval sight and Wow you were right. I wasn't expecting that he passed away. I read a couple of months worth of posts. They're a very strong family and he was a very cute boy. My heart goes out to them. Anywho, thanks for making cry and think of the what ifs. c/ya