Monday, July 28, 2008

I Know You're Shocked

OK, so I know it hasn't even been a week yet and already a new post. Please don't get too excited. Recently I've read some posts (Nicole and Debbi, here's to you) and it asks you to leave a memory that you have of me as a comment. I totally started thinking of hilarious memories that I have of all of you and want to see what you come up with. Then I get onto your blog and will leave a memory of you. So there ya go. If you think this is too cheesy well then you're way too cool for me and see ya next time.

PS Abby just walked in wearing BRIGHT pink lipstick that her friend helped her put on. Talk about coloring outside the lines. I told her she wasn't old enough for make-up and she informed me that it was lipstick, not make-up. How many of you fools tried to pull that one of on your mom's. HONESTLY!

PSS With the new book coming out I would like to make a prediction. I think that Jacob is going to find the girl that has his imprint, or whatever you call it (I haven't finish Book 3 the second time around yet so I forget) and Bella is going to end up with Edward. Any thoughts? Caroline, you are way too cool for this book, no worries.


The Coopers said...

yah of course I am first. Lately I have been a blog freak! Anyway I was thinking that too, in fact me and my sister in law (also a Jacob fan) were just discussing this at the cabin. I am sorry I know you love Edward, but Jacob deserves someone better, who will appreciate him. But lets take it a step further, it is going to make Bella jealous for sure. After reading The Host, I have some other thoughts as well. Anyhoo we shall see.......and soon. 3 days

The Coopers said...

oh I forgot to leave a memory, first memory, first time I met you, was at the stake center for church volleyball. You and Rob came and I think you were the only ones I didn't know and I was so glad that a good couple came to play, then you had to hurry back home cause you had a babysitter. Few months went by, church basketball time (good times), and we actually had a pretty good turnout of women. Again you were the only one I didn't know. Then you totally tore it up, (church basketball or state championship, same thing in your eyes) but I still didn't connect you to volleyball. Anyway I finally made the connection after a few weeks of basketball. Well I just want to say that I will miss the church ball with ya.
"....Melanie.....Melanie.. do you know who these earings belong to"?
Coach - Let me set the screen for you.
Coach - I shouldn't be playing because I just had to go in for clean out and I am a bit gassy!

Well I WILL miss that actually!

~Mandy~ said...

There are so many memories of basketball....but I think I picked your group to run around BHS the most just because I knew I would be laughing the whole time :)

The Coopers said...

okay I don't think I can talk to you till I finish the book, I don't want to give anything away, facial expressions or tone of voice, you know I am a bad liar, I have only read a bit anyway, you will still probably beat me, so same goes for you, don't give anything away! Anyhoo, I have St. George up now!

The Coopers said...

Why am I the only one commenting on your blog over and over again, weird!

Veronica Reeve said...

Kristen-Ok how about this....I remember we had a sleepover the day before school pictures, junior or senior year, I do not slept in your free blockbuster t-shirt and we dared you to wear it in your school pictures that next morning. Shoot, what did it say?! I can't remember. But anyhoo, you wore it. Wrinkly, possibly stinky, and heck, a free t-shirt and all... Kristen, THAT is why I love you!

Veronica Reeve said...

P.S. 12 comments on the last post....hmmmm....looks like you have TOO MANY FRIENDS KRISTEN. I guess I don't have to post comments any more. You won't notice the difference anyways. Right?!

Lisa Newman said...

Yes, the floodgates have opened, indeed, and I'm lovin it! Loved seeing all of you the other night. Felt like a little reunion.

My older sister lives in Burley. Matt travels to Boise quite often with work, so he drops me and Sophie off. We have had some good times in that litte town. Actually, I just got back from babysitting her four kids PLUS Sophie for a couple days. A little eye-opening on how much work it takes to care for 5 children. Hopefully we won't have quadruplets next. :)

You did a triathlon, huh? Are you into that kind of thing? I can't get myself to even run a mile, so I'm very impressed. (Or were you just there to watch?) In which case, I take back my impression. Anyhoo, I'm beginning to ramble, so I'm signing off.

Brooke Kap said...

You crack me up. First of all it is the fact that I would be able to wear pink wraglers for wanting to be MRU. The memory that comes to mind is when we were watching the movie Eight Seconds and doing the dance that they did at the wedding (I think) and all the guys were watching us through the window. Boy does that bring back some funny but embarrasing moments.

Gumby said...

I think the only memory I have of you is I met you at lagoon once, but I have hundreds of memories of your husband. Most of them involve breaking into the church and playing basketball all night, or throwing snowballs at cars. Good times. Tell him hello for me.

Libby said...

I'm pretty sure your shirt said "kick back". Is that right? Who could forget the day that we were cruisin' in the Coog just innocently listening to Chicago, when I looked down and the floor was on fire!! Not a problem, we just pulled over and popped into the Phillip's residence to call Bob. (This was obviously pre-cell phone days-unless you were celly Kelly that is!)

Krystal Cameron said...

Hey!! Hope everything is going good. ;) Your family is really cute!! Good talking to you the other night!

Camille said...

I have so many memories of you Kristen. Where do I begin? Swimming at Bob and Ellen's, The Spirit Stick, Volleyball-I've been cheated-been miss treated-when will I be loved- HRSBB-Half-naked-half mile-(for some of you naked half mile) and many-many more. I am glad that my sister is in your ward because she keeps me updated on you and your family. I am glad I found your blog(thanks Jenny) and will keep in touch!!!

Camille said...

Sorry I spelled Jennie wrong....I thought of one more...Dr. Marlena Evans and John Black. You know what I'm talking about...

Camille said...

Send my email along to Brinley. I would love access to her blog.

The StaceNeedle said...

ya, along with Lib the burning car was the first thing that came to my mind. Remember when I almost killed us on that motorcycle ride and went into shock and tricked you into letting me lay down by pretending I just wanted to sit. You were such a good friend to make me sit up against your back! Can't wait to make more memories next week!