Monday, August 27, 2007


I have a good friend who had previously decided that she was not going to have kids and then found out that she was pregnant. To this friend I wanted to share some of the pros and cons of motherhood and if any of you have more to list please feel free to do so

Pro-the first time you get to hold you little baby

Con-when sleep deprivation kicks in and you lose you mind

Pro-seeing your big tough husband become a daddy

Con-2,3,4,5,6 am feedings. Get a lazy boy in that baby's room and get comfortable.

Pro-Their first smile (even if it is just gas)


Pro-when they finally say momma even though they have been saying dada for weeks

Con-Anytime they get sick. It's horrible to know that there is nothing that you can do but snuggle them.

Pro-When they learn to say "I wuv you!"

Con-When they learn the word "NO!"

Pro-first steps

Con-first skinned knees

Pro-finally not having to buy diapers

Con-potty training

Pro-when they become a big brother or sister

Con-protecting the new baby from their curious siblings

Pro-first day of school:D

Con-first day of school :(
I could go on and on, but I won't, just know Linds, that in the end the pros will always out weigh the cons.


Jennie said...

I love this! As a new mom I'm slowly learning all of the those pros and cons, but no matter how many cons there may be, just one pro outweighs them all by far! Motherhood rocks!!

Linds said...

I somehow missed this entry on your blog. My sister called and told me I had to read it! THANK YOU! It made me a little misty eyed! I am SO HAPPY to be a mom! I would not trade it for anything in the world now. I have turned into such a softy and my husband is already well on his way from "tough guy" to daddy. When he found out he was going to have his "daddy's little girl" he couldn't help but cry! I LOVE IT! Parenthood has given us such a different (better)outlook on life and what is really important! You are so great for posting this!

Really? Why am I crying right now?? Pregnancy hormones....gotta love them.