So I'm a little embarrassed that I'm actually updating this after so long. The last update was seriously in May, and since then things have been busy, but not so busy that I can't take five minutes to write on here. My whole purpose in having this was to somewhat keep a weekly journal about our family happenings, and this past year I have failed miserably. However, reading May's post has revitalized me and I'm going to try and update more often, even if I have no readers left:)
First the kiddos: Abby is loving 2nd grade out here and has made some new friends. We have a big ward with a huge primary (100+ kids). So there are lots of kids to chose from. Plus we have new family moving in just 2 doors down with girls my girls' ages, so that will be handy. She is so getting into the preteen age, though I think she was born into that age. She is my best shopping buddy and loves to go to the mall. Coops is still stuck in his world of yucky girls in this house. He definitely has a love/hate relationship with his sisters. He loves to play with them, but sure gets tired of their kind of imagination games. Luckily there are a TON of boys in this neighborhood, so he has lots of options of kids to play with. Shelby is still very much 3 years old! In my opinion, there is no such thing as terrible twos. The twos are for pansies. 3's on the other hand are ridiculous! She is very strong willed and opinionated and even as we speak, taking a nap up in the bonus room (her idea) after refusing to eat dinner. She hates most meats and veggies, but will eat most any fruit or yogurt on the planet. She has also made lots of new friends out here.
Whit is still so funny. She is getting so big. She started nursery not too long ago, which is one of my favorite milestones in their young lives:) She wants to do everything she can to keep up with the other 3. Just yesterday she decided she needed to go sledding with them. So as I was helping get them all bundled, she went and grabbed her coat and was trying to put it on. She has no snow pants or boots, but with did our best with what we had and she went out with the big kids and loved it. She only made one trip down the hill and was done, but still she had so much fun with them.
As for the house we are finally in. YAY! We moved in on Aug 14, which happened to be our 9 year anniversary. What a way to celebrate. Things went really smooth and we got everything out here in a couple trips. Now we are for the most part settled in, though there are still some boxes in Rob's office, and downstairs is a DISASTER. But what would without Saturday projects right? Now if we can get the motivation to do those projects, that is the question. We are loving our new neighbors. Everybody out here has either 4-wheelers or horses. It is crazy, but we love it. Such good people. Hopefully some day we will join in on the 4-wheeler club. Those are just fun!
Well that is about it for now. I will try to get back on track with updates from here on out:)
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Is it too late to update?
Posted by Kristen at 3:46 PM 9 comments
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
I'm still here
Yep, that's right, it hasn't been too long and already I'm updating. I have just taken some alone time and read up on some of your blogs and wanted to give you all a shout out of how much I love doing that. I didn't realize how much I've missed it until I just started reading and realized how much reading about all of your craziness makes me realized that my life is totally normal:) Whether it be surprise pregnancies (there are a few of you out there),to pregnancies with a first boy or first girl (baby penises aren't all that scary) to kids graduating from preschool and kindergarten, to fun vacations that I will some day look forward to. Thank you for making me feel normal and sane again.
So for the quick update. I have officially lost my camera. Yeah, really not sure where it is. I've looked everywhere I can think, so if any of you have it, I would love to get it back. It is for this reason that I have updated pictures to give of my kids, or the house. However both are doing wonderfully.
Abby is so pumped for summer. Her birthday is on Thursday and she for some reason thinks that half of her class are bringing her presents. Yeah, that will be a kick in the teeth when she doesn't get any, but she just doesn't believe me that she is only getting presents from us. What do ya do? She thinks she is Whitney's mom and tries to take over when she gets home from school, which some days is welcomed. She loves to help me cook dinner and I love that she is tall enough to see everything so we don't need to bring a stool in. Ellen gave her a pedicure for her birthday, which she was so excited for, so we are looking forward to going to get those done.
Coops is finishing up his second year of preschool, and since I am holding him back a year, he gets to start another in the fall. There are a lot of buddies out in the new neighborhood though that he will get to go to kindergarten with, so he is pumped for that. We signed him up for soccer in the fall so he is already on the countdown to that. Totally bummed I didn't have him play baseball this spring but I thought he was too young to sign him up, however there were some kids even younger than him. Now I know.
Shelby thinks she is some hot stuff. She is SO 3. She is totally into princesses, babies, and playing house. She loves to do homework with the other 2, though I really am running out of things to give her to do cause she really doesn't do anything but color. Oh, well, we'll keep working on that one. She is pretty pumped to start preschool in the fall too.
Then there is Whit. She is so funny! She is soooo much happier now that she doesn't have ear infections every other week. She is all over the place and hates it when the other kids get to go outside and she has to stay in with me. She sits out at the window and just yells at them until I let her go out and play for a bit. Still, we love her and she makes us laugh every day.
As for the house, sheet rock starts tomorrow, the stucco gets painted this week, and soon I will lose my husband again and become a single mom while he goes out to put on the trim and do the wood floor. Things are going awesome still, and thanks to Ellen, we picked out our wood floor today, along with our molding and door casing. I have really enjoyed the whole process so far, though the waiting game isn't all that much fun. Soon enough we'll be moved in and it will all be a happy memory I'm sure. I'll try to get pics on here for next time, until then...
Posted by Kristen at 9:23 PM 2 comments
Monday, May 3, 2010
Well, a few things have been going on around here other than building. Whitney turned 1 last month. She got tubes in her ears today for a nice belated present. I so hate ear infections! Happy to finally have the tubes. We had her on yet another antibiotic last week-Monday-Wednesday- and when he went to do the tubes today she was already working on more fluid and definite infection brewing. Poor kid. So we are happy to have that done.
We are so happy that it is finally spring and I can kick the kids outside to play. This rental is getting smaller and smaller. But the warm weather definitely makes it bearable.
Other than those things we are pushing hard at the house. We are hoping for a 4-way this week, (that is the BIG halfway inspection) though we have been saying that for a couple of weeks, this time a just may happen. Rob is out there almost every night. What a champ! I think it makes it a little easier knowing it is our house. We got the stucco on last week and after we get the soffit and fascia on they will come back and paint it. The rock should go on some time this week as well. Anyway, I thought I'd throw some more pics on so you all can see it. So here ya go:
Yes, this last one is from inside my car. Was I too lazy to walk around back for a pic? Yes, I was. It was cold out my friend, give me a break. Unfortunately, that is all I have for you all this time. We don't have a whole lot else going on.
Want to give a shout out to my friend Veronica Reeve (yes, the famous photographer:), I only say that knowing it will embarrass her) she gets to finally close on her house tomorrow and hopefully move in soon. You made it! WOW, could I be more jealous? I think not.
And another shout out to Libby and little Miss Blair, welcome to the world little one. And ps, that is the cutest yawning picture I have ever seen!
Posted by Kristen at 3:52 PM 5 comments
Monday, March 22, 2010
Here's the latest
Well that was a busy month. Shelby turned 3, so we hit up the local Chuck-n-cheese (that's is what we call it around these parts-Chuck-E-Cheese in layman's terms), got a roof, some shingles, plumbing, and front steps on the house while playing in the mud, played outside in the beautiful spring weather, enjoyed the ward pinewood derby, and am trying to survive yet another ear infection and possible RSV with Whitney (calling the ENT in the morning for tubes-hallelujah). So here I am, just finished doing some bids for Rob, who BTW is a trooper going on very little sleep lately, and I am just happy to be sane. I love life! Here are some pics (and as I'm putting them on I realize that I haven't taken any lately, but this will some-what do. I'll try to take some more this week. These are from a couple of weeks ago)Front entrance. there are stairs here now, and just today the framers changed the timbers on top to an arched entrance to be covered in rock.
Our fun bonus room. Rob has decided it will be a theater room in the future.
Our garages AGAIN. Yes, I know I keep you up to date on the garages a bit, but I'm just really excited to have one:)
Here is the main floor with now walls. Like I said, we have all of the walls now and a fire place. WOW, I'm a slacker!
The view to the back doors that will go back onto the deck.
And here are the bathing children. Yup, totally covered in mud!
At least they had fun though right?
Those orange pants that were her Dora costume for Halloween-very...much...stained. Hopefully a little oxy clean will do the trick.
Look at those dirty toes!
And here is my heaven-sent-new-neighbor's tub. By the time I realized the kids were playing in the mud I knew there was no way they would be able to get in my car. Luckily Angie has boys and knows mud well, so she didn't mind. This picture was her tub after the rinsing. There is a wash clothe in there too for the record-not more mud.
And here is the birthday girl. Can you believe she is already 3? It took us a few days to convince her:)
There is Mr. Cheese himself.
OK, last picture. Do you think she liked it?
Well, that's about it for now. See ya next month:)
Posted by Kristen at 8:56 PM 7 comments
Saturday, February 13, 2010
This is what I've been doing
So I realize it has been 2 months since I have last been on, but I really have been busy. On the last one I mentioned how we were really working hard on being able to start the house. Well it finally happened and that has kept me pretty busy. Especially these last two weeks. We finally dug on Feb 1st and we will hopefully start framing on Tues. We are now waiting for a garage floor. We were supposed to get pored on Thursday but that random surprise snow storm showed up. Now I know we need the moisture here in Utah, but really! Just one more day! Oh, well, we'll survive. We are still on schedule (only two weeks in I know) so this shouldn't be too much of a set back.
The kids are doing great. Abby is missing so many teeth she has a hard time eating, but she looks adorable. Coop's preschool flooded over the Christmas Holidays and got the whole month of January off. He's back now and I'm so happy cause he was getting so bored. Shelby is potty training and totally has the peeing down, it's just the pooping. That may be TMI, but honestly, what is it with kids and pooping in the potty. I'll be honest with ya, I just throw the panties away. I tried to wash one of them out and honestly started gagging. It's not worth it. Little Miss Whitney is growing like crazy. I think she will be walking in no time. She totally cruises on everything. She really has the personality of the other three. I love it.
Rob and I are about the same. He is crazy with work and building us a house. Business is good right now and thanks to all of you who continue to call us and refer us. LOVE YA! And I'm doing the same old thing: staying home with 4 kids, being Rob's secretary, generalling the house, working one afternoon a week, and hanging out with the YW one night a week. I actually switched from Tuesdays to Wednesdays so now I go to work at 1 until 6 and then go straight to YW. It has been nice so far cause now I'm only gone for one night during the week. Rob still gets his daddy night, which the I love. It's nice to come home and have dinner cleaned up and the kids in bed.
Hopefully that is enough excuse for you all to get off my back on not updating my blog. I do enjoy sitting down and reading your blogs once in a while and I thank you for making me laugh when it's needed:) I will try to throw pictures on here every once in a while to keep you updated. Here's where we're at right now
Here is the first day of digging. These two loved it! Our excavator let them both in the cab of the back hoe and let them dig with him for a while. Abby was in school but she got a ride the other day when they were out back filling. They were so nice.
Here's the 3 when we went out to watch the pumper trucks fill the foundation forms. They got plenty muddy and loved every minute of it:)
Here is the front of the house with just the foundation. This is basically where we are. This last week of storms have set us back bit, but hopefully we will get a basement floor tomorrow.
Here is the view of mine and Rob's garages. I only put this on here because I'm SO EXCITED to actually have a garage. YAY!
And here is another angle of my garage. Did I mention we need to bring in A LOT of dirt. Yeah, this is a small mountain of sand that was fill into the garage floors. We have both always wanted a flat driveway for a basketball court so we're still excited that it worked out that we can have one.
And lastly, here is the picture of our basement. This one is my bragging rights. So when Rob was out doing the radiant heat (which we are only having in the basement BTW), that's all the black pipe, he called and said he could use a hand if I wanted to come out. So I pawned the kiddos off (this first time of many I'm sure) and headed out. Can I just say that he gets a taste of my job every Wednesday and I am very much appreciated. However I have never gone to work with him. I only worked with him for a couple of hours and my butt was kicked! What a manly man I am married too. The pathetic thing is that this wasn't even a hard job. It's not like we were carrying tubs or water heaters. I was tying tube with wires. Yeah, I'm a pansy and my husband has got some serious muscles:) Any who, that's about it. Wish me luck on having a dry week!
Posted by Kristen at 1:26 PM 9 comments