Wednesday, July 23, 2008

WOW, time flies

Again, sorry girls for slackin'. Things get crazy in the summer. Rob turned 29 on the 7th. We went out to dinner with our next door neighbors and then to the Bee's game. It's always fun to get away from the kids for a hot date. Last weekend we went on the annual McDougal family vacation which brings me to my story that I hope will redeem myself for slackin so much this summer. So we were all going up to Downata Hot Springs ( I know, funky name, but seriously Google it, it's a fun place). Well my family wasn't leaving until 4 pm Thursday but we had to leave Friday afternoon so we could go up to Echo for Rob's family reunion. So we decided we would leave early to get more swimming and playing, then the kids wouldn't feel bad when we left before everybody else. Well early turned into 2 pm on Thurs, still respectable. However, we got all the way up to Plymoth, UT, not to be confused with Plymoth Rock, and the transmission went out in the old MV (minivan to those of you not down with the slang). So we camped out at Plymoth until about 5 when Missy was able to get us our truck. My friends, Plymoth is a happenin town. There was this cool girl at the gas station though who was resting next to her bike. I asked her where she was headed and she said, "Oh, Canada"...No, no that wasn't a typo, she was going from SLC to Canada, she told me where but I didn't really pay attention, I was still in shock from "Canada". Anywho, on with the trip. So we make it to Downata with the rest of the family and set up camp and have a fun first night although Rob realized he left his wallet and cell phone charger in the MV. The next morning I wake up at 4:30 with horrible stomack pains. Folks, now we're gonna get personal, these are the types of pains that you just know that diarrhea is just around the corner. So I spent the whole day Friday in my tent with a horrible stomach, luckily enough the was an outhouse, that's right I said outhouse, right behind our tent. So that was convenient. The good news is I only threw up once. This may be a little TMI but I would take diarrhea over throw up any day of the week. Well that's enough of that. The kids went with Rob and the rest of my family up swimming and just played all day. The next day I was feeling much better and we packed up and came home. We didn't even go up to the family reunion. However we did find out on the way home that Cooper gets car sick, huh, that's fun. The van is back now, turns out we just needed a good trasmission fluid flush and things are up and running. The one good thing that came out of the weekend was I was able to read a good chunk of New Moon, which leads me to my poll. I personally am a Wolf girl, lover of Jacob if you will. However most of the people I talk to want Edward. So take two seconds and take the poll.
PS Nicole, don't hate me, but Coop is potty trained!!! Yeah, pretty exciting, and that leads me to the quote of the day. He had a little diarrhea Sunday (it's been a good weekend) and he called me in and said "Look mom, my bum made mud" Gotta love him


Brandi said...

Ooooh, sorry about the car troubles. I'm glad you didn't need a whole new tranny (short for transmission). (phew) Hmmm, I wonder if that girl made it to Canada yet. Did you at least offer to buy her a Clif Bar for the long ride? That's awesome that Coop is potty trained! WTG on making mud, buddy!

Libby said...

Cooper redeems himself from his previous shenanigans! Hilarious. Sorry for your double flush problem (transmission and bum)! I personally liked Edward, but I totally could've pegged you for a Jacob girl.

Tebbs Times said...

Talk about memories girl!!! I remember you cutting your bangs off, that led to a short hair do for you!! Which I am sure you were thrilled about!! You playing baseball better than all the boys, having sleep overs with all the boys, whom butts you whooped on the ball fields...your hilarious sense of humor, I always thought that you were such a great chick!! I miss seeing the Mcdougal clan!! We had GREAT times growing up didn't we???

Veronica Reeve said...

Jacob? Really? Oh, not me. Edward all the way. Wow, sounds like a fun camping trip (note sarcasm) I hate to be sick but I double hate to be sick when I'm not home in my bed. Poor vanigan. Glad to hear it's up and running again. P.S. I feel like I haven't seen you all summer. What's up with that?

Kathy said...

Hey Jolley's,
It's the Eby's! I saw your blog linked to the Tebbs, I know Debbie from the gym. How are you guys doing, it's been awhile! Send me your e-mail and I can give you guys an invite to our blog, it's set to private.
Adam and Kathy Eby

Kathy said...

Sorry, I forgot to give you my e mail address.

Pebley Family said...

Well, I'm sure that I'll get some heat for saying this but the I think that book series is so lame. Anyways, glad that the car just needed a flush. And Coop getting car sick-of course he's a Jolley.

The Coopers said...

K, you didn't vote on your own? Sorry, but I have no votes for Jacob, I thought I would at least get one from you and one from my sister. Well hope your getting your reading done, your kids can wait. I just finished "The Host" while camping. So I am set!

Lindsey Rose said...

Welcome back, sounds like an eventful time! YIKES! I am totally into Edward, but book #4 shall tell all! :)

Kelly said...

Edward all the way baby! I mean Hunka hunka burnin love! Sorry to hear about the car troubles! And the bum troubles for that matter! I am SOOOO jealous that Cooper is potty trained! Even if his bum makes mud!!

Korinne said...

Hey Kristen! I found your blog the other day and thought I would say hello. Hope all is well! Here is ours:

twice as nice said...

Oh my-----you are funny! Hope you don't mind me reading your blog, got to it from tammy's! Sorry you were so sick on the camping trip! Tell rob thanks for my bathtub, it is really cute!
--the really cool Kristen!!!

Mrs B said...

You're disgusting. I can't believe you would share such things. Just kidding! You crack me up. Not that I'm laughing at your expense. I empathize.